So I recently bought these transformers off ebay and I'm not sure who they are really, the seller did not do a good job on giving me an instruction for any of them so I ha e to look deeply in the web to find them. Sadly I could not find these two, if yall could help me, much appreciated it! Thanks. P.S they are both the same mold and they are both autobots
Would you happen to know from what tooling or what year? Also just saying they are autobot the previous owner put those decepticon logos on
These appear to be custom repaints. The characters are the Stunticons Wildrider (grey) and Breakdown (white) The bodies are the Universe 2008 Sideswipe/Sunstreaker mold. Wildrider's head look like it came from a Rid 2001 Heavy Load. I don't recognise Breakdown's head.
Can't find much about the Wildrider figure, I don't get the generations stuff but I grabbe this from TFWiki. I'm sure there's plenty of other people who know a lot more than me. Edit, the guy above will know more than me
Everyone's pretty much covered it but it was probably made from Universe Sunstreaker or Sideswipe... Sunstreaker - Transformers Toys - TFW2005 Sideswipe - Transformers Toys - TFW2005 BWAHAHAHA. Gotta love the mistransformed Official Sideswipe pics...
Looking closely at the pic, these two are actually customs of Wildrider and Breakdown made from Sideswipe and Red Alert, with new a head for Wildrider from (I think) Cybertron Hardtop. You can tell by looking at the texture of certain parts that the customizer who made these very cleverly did some parts-swapping to reduce how many parts he'd have to paint, and also notice how this Breakdown is very different from the Botcon exclusive one, which clarifies that these aren't official redecos. Also, those guys are Decepticons, they've just been made from Autobot figures. Actually, that Wildrider looks really cool. Glad that wasn't what we got way back, I'd have actually wanted it. No way in hell would I have been willing to pay eBay prices for it. Gotta love how Sideswipe's even in Sunstreaker's chest configuration.