Dont know if this is important enough but new zealand now had revenge of the fallen preview wave Transformers New Zealand Message Boards • View topic - ROTF toys sighted! Let's be honest... Australia and New Zealand are basically the same region. No surprise that the Kiwis get stuff when the Aussies do.
No way If you said that new zealander face to face you would get pimp slaped lol our culters are so diffrent and we have more green then them anyways
How are your cultures different? Do they spell correctly over there? OH SNAP!! (I am just kidding of course... we know they eat Kangaroos and you guys eat Koalas.)
lol sorry we dont have any of those animals here lol it does get anoying though okay for start off we say bro at the beggining of each sentence and we dont ever say giday mate they drink more and become idoits quicker and where just that much better lol I got an example for ya its like saying canada is a part of the usa just cause your close dosnt make it ture
Well, Canada is kind of part of the U.S., whether they like it or not. We own those bitches. And, now I have a firm belief that Kiwis have a good sense of humor. Thanks for that
yeah theres what the assuies have over us if its not funny or got good humor in it we get baord real quick
it is but there are only 2 for now 2 weeks to go i so hope the wearhouse brakes the rules agian lol like always
i was wondering this very thing this morning, when the toys come to ireland should i say anything? its seperate to england but i feel liek ill just get ignorance of people saying they are the same like new zealand an australia or u.s. and canada
It'd be more newsworthy if these were the first world-sightings rather than just the first local release. After working for's news desk - I quickly learnt how irrelevant the rest of the TF fan world thinks of countries such as Australia, NZ and EU countries.
Yeah, but it's still good to remind them yankies from time to time that there are indeed other countries out there...
I plan to post up new news up here everytime something happens here to do with transformers us smaller countries are so improtant