I love the design of that bot in the third pic. I'd love to see some actual gameplay (not just that "gameplay trailer" they released a while ago. Actual footage of a person playing the game with the HUD and stuff).
Feeling pumped up. Those are some shiny, smooth, spectacular Robots. Looks like Third person shooter style gun play is going to continue into the MMO sort of borderlands style. Though its possible these are NPCs or Drones to blow up.
i cant wait! i played runescape before i broke my laptop. ive been following this since jagex announced it. time for me to get the mac fixed!
This game is going to remind people how better Transformers games aren't over the shoulder, 3rd Person Shooters. My favorite Transformers gaming experience is the 2004 game and my favorite gameplay is Revenge of the Fallen.
Not that I really cared about the MMO angle anyway, its just that its been marketed as a MMO to this point. So good it won't have the problems of those games. So I could basicly see it going as a mostly Single player online game with a PVP arena and social media connections. Also kind of sounds like CO-OP between a team of players is being worked on. So that's cool. Takes me back to Phantasy Star Online. Those were both third person shooter experiences, but their mechanics were different from the more recent stuff. Especially Revenge of the fallen which did some cool stuff with Transformation as a kind of speed boost and vehicle melee system. Also the time trials left the single player game with some replay value. The 2004 game has aged well visually and I can still enjoy it on occasion. Some great big level design ideas like the tidal wave levels and the upside down decepticon warship that fell off a cliff. Tottally recommend people play the game just to experience that. However some things do get a little tedious with it. Like having to return to base to trade out your minicon combinations because you need a specific one to get past the terrain, and decepticon bunkers filled with enemies but very little reward for crushing them.
They look great, nice intense colors...but what's with the wide bent knee stances in the 2nd & 3rd pics? Looks like they want to do a few hundred squats or something. 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4