i have some boxed reissues i want to trade/sale all include box and most weaponds I will gladly trade alot for a MP GRIMLOCK or MP WM starscream or WST or g1's G1 Takara C 69 Reissue Ultra Magnus G1 SWOOP MISB wfc optimus MISB wfc bumblebee MISB WFC MEGATRON MISB THRUST animated Animated Grimlock Animated Cybertron Ratchet animated snarl animated blitzwing animated lockdown animated lugnut animated starscream animated sunstorm animated waspinator animated sentinal prime optimus prime /trailer -no box but it is complete thundercracker silverstreak grapple inferno perceptor-- 100% complete beast wars magnaboss cybertron galaxy force optimus prime ROTF surpreme devastator ROTF voyager starscream looking for any g1 or g2 or masterpieces or combiners or RID sourge