Got my email update from Igear this morning with them selling this Arcee 3rd party item. Actaully looks more stable than the valkry one to me, but who knows MGT-01 Arcee(Delicate Warrior) Preorder If this is old news delete post and sorry
Oh cool! iGear is coming up with another original idea! So when's their Bruticus Upgrade set going to be announced?
It looks like the Impossible toys Arcee in a different box. EDIT: Okay, so it's different, but it follows the same transformation scheme.
I'm still not decided which one i'm going to pick up 98 is alot for a small figure, but i guess i'll see how the reviews are for the it, it'ld be nice to have a female next .
Cool it even comes with bonus anal beads. This is the one that was recently showing off at that Chinese con, right? Looks pretty good, hopefully the quality is better than Impossible Toys Arcee.
So you can spend $70 for the Impossible Toys version, or spend $25 more for iGear's version (I.E. near exact duplicate)? That die cast better make one hell of a difference.
The robot mode is definitely better, but who knows how the QC will bear out. Car mode wheels are a bit too big, or something. Maybe they stick out too far, but the end result is that she kinda looks like a kiddy-cart or pedal car in vehicle mode.
I have to admit, it looks better than the IT one, but for already being hesitant to support iGear, the price makes it a definite no go for me. If they cut that in half, maybe I'll bite.
I wasn't interested until I saw the bot mode. That thing looks really good in bot mode. This however has to be the worse transformation ever! I love how the one arm is just jammed under there with no real place to go.
The price isn't worth it. The product is only slightly better than the most recent version, but not at the price they want. For 100 at that size it better be painted perfect and have no iffy areas any where. It would also help if there weren't several alternatives on the market.