No mention if games are still coming. But I guess the massive hemorrhaging of money since the announcement was a pretty good reason to kill it.
Actually, I think it's more Reed Hastings, the CEO than anyone else there. The guy makes these snap decisions that immediately cause the PR folks to go into damage control.
That's true. But if your PR is doing their job, you never know what a boob your CEO is in the first place.
It's just amazing how hard Netflix is trying to throw a wrench in their own gears. I hope they've learned that when you have to explain to your consumers how your changes are good for them -they're probably not good for them.
Good - I can't believe they even considered a "ster" name in the first place, much less went so far as to make it official.
That fixes my biggest issue with everything they've done lately. With the different plans they should be able to negotiate content deals using actual numbers of who's streaming and not, so this should be an all-around win.
The whole spin-off thing was a big red flag in my eyes. I've seen such grand plans around me...and those grand plans ended up biting the creators on the kiester. I don't think it was moreso listening to their customers, but moreso about the stock prices. It seemed once upon a time Netflix could have become an Entertainment hub where movie fans could interact.