Google is failing me right now. I would try to barter for $15. Seeing as how it is individual. Maybe 10. EDIT: I saw a listing for $13. There you go.
Lol its at a collectable store and the person with they key to open the cabinet wasnt in today. Thanks god xD
Sorry for my response. I don't know much about G2, and tried to go by G1. Seeing as how there is a price for $13, i would ask to go lower. EDIT: Which state do you live in? If it is anything like my store, i would imagine you could negotiate.
Yeah, $15 would probably be my max to purchase. He's cool and all...but I'd almost rather seek out a loose one for under $10 if I were in your shoes.
Im in Canada. Its not really the kinda store to negotiate, it gets more business then the Toys R Us next to it, so i passed on it.