The Animated Nemesis (Black Convoy) and the Elite Guard Optimus Prime figures were exclusives, correct? What kind of exclusives were they and which one is rarer and why. I’m trying to round out my Animated collection and would like to know which of these “Grail” type figures to go after first. I think I’ve secured a Black Convoy but I’m curious to know more info. I’m having a hard time finding much info about them online. Even at sites like transformerland and the wiki
Could I ask how much you guys paid for Animated Black Convoy (retconned as Nemesis?)? Back then or now?
Sorry man, gonna have to pass. Nemesis Prime/Black Convoy is one of the few characters I actively collect.
This thread actually made me go through my storage boxes and take out most of my Nemesis Prime figures (still have like 5 or 6 more in another container i don't feel like digging through). Now I feel like i need to clear off a shelf for them...
How on earth did you swing that? I just checked and I still have the shipment invoice, I purchased the Re-release Seacons, Animated Wingblade OP, and Animated Optimus Prime Black Version all in the same order from BBTS. I paid a shocking $164.99 for it, with it shipping on September 27, 2010. Anyway, Black version, by far. Fewer were made, and they sold out extremely quickly. There were posts from people bemoaning that they couldn't get one because they thought there'd be plenty and they could get it at their leisure (not all that different from the Seacons today I suppose), while I saw Elite Guard stick around for years. I believe clean Deluxe Optimus Prime is actually rarer then Elite Guard Voyager. Milton publishing figures have a reputation for being expensive, but not ultra-rare.
I got it from an ebay seller who had some extra stock of "factory rejects". It didn't come with a box, but its not a KO. I got it like a week or two after the boxed figures were released. From what I remember, the factory rejects he was selling all had issues with them like tolerance problems and looseness. Mine's hip gimmick doesn't really work and I have to manually spin it around during transformations. The legs were also loose as noodles, but floor polish has fixed that problem.