I really only got Devastator to be a completist, but then got inspired by the way FansProject transformed Superion Maximus (using the limbs' legs as the arms for the combined mode). I'm not claiming that this perfects Devastator, but this makes him not suck as hard: Stock Photos' Wonky Transformation: My Transformation: LOBSTER CLAWS!!!111 I folded down the grapple thingy and unused leg to give it a "cloak look"
Nice alternate mode! Post that and the photos into Radicons as a minor mod, because it's minor, and you know.. a mod.
Yeah, mine's been posed like that for well over a year now. Gotta have the energon claws out for an additional set of arms though.
people have been doing the lobster claws since energon but using only one leg is a twist. Maybe use all those exposed pegs and holes to attach a real arm and hand
Cool man! I like where the crane arms end up. Gonna have to try this. I hope we get a parts kit for this one too. That hole in the chest is screaming for a chest shield
Nah, this thread is in the right place since no physical modifications were made to it. I've played around with the E-combiners transforms some, too. Personally, I think it's cool giving them 4 arms and such like that
Pretty cool. I've been putting the large claws in front like DilaZirk's, everybody's got their own way of doing Devastator's limbs.
Of the three stock combiner sets, Devs has the best limbs. Both of his limb modes make nice, sturdy, balanced legs and strong, articulated, useful arms. Having said that, I think this version of his transformation would look good with the leg pieces closed together. Superion's arm bots needs to split their legs because Superion has the worst arms of all the combiners, so with the add-on set, the single-leg-as-a-forearm bit isn't that bad. On Devs though, it's makes his forearms look too skinny and spindly, I mean, there he is with these massive shoulders...but these itty bitty forearms. Plus, he's really not gaining any articulation this way.
Nice you mentioned that, hopefully I can change your status with Devy I further refined my Devy transformation and added ::GASP!!:: HANDS!!! I got the hands off of those Eva Evangelion (I think that's what they were called) figures from way back in the day. I decided to go with asymmetrical limbs since he can now stand straight as opposed to having symmetrical limbs ACTION SHOT!! PREPARE FOR DEVASTATION!!! Devy's Right Arm, the hand post fit in the "slot" of that limb's indivdual's foot: I'll get around to cutting the post down sometime... Devy's Left Arm, "clamped" the post in there:
taking a que from you guys, I used my extra set of megatron revoltech hands. A little small but it works ok. I like it much better than super mega purple claw hand guy... lol.
i did something like this a while back. ball joint head, g1 hand, gun, modded chestplate. he is my favorite classics combiner (out of the 3) so far, that is until the bruticus set comes out.
I use both cranes as legs and both front loaders as arms. The front loaders have really good elbows. old picture, unfortunately I don't have a better one because my camera's dead
E Devs is easily the best of all the E combiner molds, as both the loader and crane molds make for great arms and legs.