As someone who just recently got into the hobby, I don't have a MP 33 or 35. My understanding is that these figures are both pretty highly regarded. I don't really want both since they're mostly the same mold, so I'd prefer to choose. I was wondering what people's preferences are between the two? It looks like Inferno's about $20 cheaper on BBTS so he has that going for him. But $20 isn't that big of a deal if Grapple is a better figure. What do people here think? P.S. I kind of expected this thread to exist already, and I did search for it. If it does exist and someone wants to link it, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for any input.
By Deco, he means the paint job and overall appearance. I second that. Grapple is awesome, but Inferno is the better of the two to me.
Ah, thank you. I thought that meant decals, but I know neither figure comes with those (and that it was a point of contention for some)
I say mp-33 and mp-35. Got both of them including artfire. They are of almost same mold but different with their magic transformation
The entire Mitsubishi Fuso mold line are worth every penny. Grapple in fact has minute mold differences from Inferno and Artfire. Heck, even the paint apps( if my eyes done fail me) between Inferno and Artfire make both of them look different from each other (especially their faces). If I have any complaints, its the "animefication" of his shins. The flat paint tampo over the actual molding from the original G1 Diaclone truck feels like a cheap cop out.
I appreciate what you both are saying, and maybe some day down the line I would consider getting the other character, either after a reissue or + release. But for Now I am only buying one and would prefer to treat it as if I will only be buying that one. If you had to choose between the two, who would you pick?
I think Grapple. It comes with better accessories. To me the yellow pops more on the toy than red. The red on Inferno hides details. But I like Infernos thighs design better. Between the 2 I think Grapple is a better buy for looks & messing around with. Grapple comes with a claw for the crane & blue prints you can get him to in poses with those and adds character. I think you'll have more fun with that stuff. But... If you're open to the idea, in my opinion Artfire looks the best out of those 3, maybe consider Artfire. Grapple has the best accessories out of the 3
Artfire.(1st) He is like the perfected version of the mold. Certain portions of Inferno were left unpainted which were painted in Artfire further heightening the details. His targetmaster is also great. Buuuuuuut if you prefer to recreate that loveydovey scene with Red Alert (2nd)then get Inferno and Red Alert. Grapple is my 3rd. P.S. I own all 3 figs so I'm biased on all three.
More than minute mold changes actually. They're 50% different! I think it really depends on which character you prefer as both figures look amazing. I do remember there were a number of people who's Grapples had paint issues. Inferno is suuuuper sturdy in that department.
The yellow orange yellow paint of my Grapple still solid. If ever I had issues, it was the 1st release Ironhide chrome (sucked bigtime ) As for the minute term, just on the safe side, one man's small is another's humongous.
In order of pure physical appearance: 1. Artfire 2. Inferno 3. Grapple In order of most interesting overall: 1. Grapple 2. Artfire 3. Inferno I say Artfire is the best version of the mold, and you get a sweet Targetmaster. Inferno looks better than Grapple, but Grapple is more interesting. All 3 are great figures. Right on the cusp of the transformation being overly complicated though.
The thing that gives Inferno the edge to me is his poseability/articulation. I think Grapple is beautiful and maybe more interesting, but Inferno doesn’t have that leg kibble so he’s able to do deep knee bends and kneel.
It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish..if you are trying to complete the original autobot set, then inferno, if you are trying to do the constructicon set , then grapple. I bought inferno first Bec I wanted to complete the original autobot set..but I got all 3 version of that mold. Each mold has it's it' merit with transformation, looks and accessories.. decide base your decisions on what you are trying to accomplish..they are all beautiful transformers. Goodluck
I only have Grapple(out of the three) currently, but I have been very impressed with him so far. I prefer the overall look of Grapple, with the orange and black, especially around the legs/thighs of the figure, as Grapple has more black running down the thighs, which I prefer over the solid red color of Inferno's legs/thigh area. As well, I like the transformation of the crane going into the back/chest area and was just generally impressed with the version of this done on Grapple(versus the ladder transformation for Inferno). I like the extra bit of transformation in the back of the legs with Grapple. As well, as others mentioned, Grapple comes with a lot of accessories, which is usually not important at all for me, but his are all so well done and add to the "play" value of the figure. You probably can't go wrong with any of the three(Grapple, Inferno, or Artfire), so good luck with your purchase.
For me it’s Inferno. The way the ladders folds up is just magical. Plus he seems to be tighter in all the right places compared to my Grapple. That said, Grapple probably has the better accessories, better detailing (more visual greebles) and interactivity with MP Red Alert. Plus I find tucking Inferno’s head to be a real PITA. Still, I’d choose Inferno. Should mention that I could never get my Grapple to hold any accessory other than his gun. And who the heck can remember which MP is which by number at this point?