So here's my review for this spry little bot. I knew the moment the news went up about him that because of my budget this would pretty much be my only purchase at this years con and by gosh am I happy with him. Hes excellent! The paint job is absolutely stellar and really looks weathered. The bullet holes look great especially the one on the head. Like holy crap that's awesome! I only have two gripes with him. His left elbow is a little loose, and he doesn't have 5mm ports. He's got his own special kind of port for his weapon to plug into everywhere. Like you can plug the gun in on his forearm, hand, top of the vehicle mode same with his backpack pieces. Its really cool! If you wanna see the transformation I'm also posting a video review in the video review section of the boards.
Still a pretty cool looking figure. Nice that you snagged the botcon version. Looks great. Now that I think about, being smaller in size he probably scales properly with topspin and twin twist by MI. Really nice pics btw.