well it took me a whole day but i finally amanged to repair the red plastic folding panel parts on the inside of megatrons lower legs i dont really know if it was from the figure agieing over time or not and i only rarely transform the figure to its gun mode. all i know is that for some reason whne i went to do so yesterday the folding part on the red panel on the inside of each of his lower legs jsut wnet and snapped clean off on examining the parts i noticed that it was just a very thin strip of plastic attaching the folding panel part to each red panel of his lower legs it too kme a whilei but i managed to repar each part using epoxy glue to reatach the two part haklves back together anda slow speed dremil sanind attachment to sand clean off any additional epoxy glue so that the repaired part would not in any way interfer with the figures abilit y to be transformed to and form gun mode other then thered panel parts on the lower legs are there any other design flaws like that in the figure?
Well, there are tiny plastic joints holding the feet on the legs, and supporting the whole character's weight including the stupid-big cannon, so eventually those will break down on all figures, I'd count that as a pretty decent flaw.
The metal parts, without any varnish on them, tarnishes after a while in the air. The giant cannon can't be supported on a tiny, tiny arm. The transformation is incredibly difficult, and takes a while to figure out.
It's just flimsy and not well made. The engineering is impressive, but god forbid if you ever transform it or try to get it to stand and hold it's cannon. Comparing it to Prime or Grimlock is laughable.
waaah waaah waaah, megatron is fine. he can do lots of cool poses. he simply takes more time to pose and balance. the other mp figures are indeed easier to pose, but that doesn't mean megatron can't be posed nicely.