Transformers MP-10 Convoy I am happy with it. For me, it's what a tangible representation of Optimus Prime should be minus unnecessary and irrelevant bells and whistles. it may have less Die-cast components but those die-cast parts were used very well. (feet for stability, torso joint reinforced and 'bling' for the Matrix) MP-10 Convoy: DeBox MP-10 Convoy: Demo Part 1 MP-10 Convoy: Demo Part 2
He looks good. But those eyes look soul less. No vibrant blue light piping? Has anyone posted pics of him next to Faith Leader? Or any other classics besides Voyager Prime?
@TCracker: I got mine from Uncle. I'm happy I did. @Gilgamesh and Blackout32: Thanks mates. @fabexmax: I just finished a shoot of MP-10 with other TF figures. I'll be posting them here later.
How much did Uncle Ng charge you for it? I didn't go in to ask this time last Sunday. Too busy checking out all the "KOs" at U-toys. Lol.
Really nice pics. But for me, he just doesn't look right. I prefer the MP01 version. I'm glad I didn't buy this one
Thats beautiful but I am happy to wait a while for this one. I am guessing it will be around for many years to come.
After watching your videos and seeing all the molded details and interaction between accessories, I can totally understand the price tag. Still too rich for my blood right now, but it's a beautiful, well thought out and engineered figure and if I ever have the cash for it I'd pick it up in a heartbeat.
I always thought this a pretty useless accessory for the original. Though it did fit into his hands nicer than is ion blaster. Randy
This. His eyes look hollow, almost like his spark just got extenguished. I wish they could have at least painted them. It would help the head stand out more. Still, that alt mode is pure win.