I’m selling off my complete MISB Beast Wars collection! Everything is MISB/MOSC/MISP SEALED! I accept paypal only. Payment must be in Canadian dollars. Please contact me for a shipping quote. If you have any questions then just let me know. 2Pack -Optimus Primal (bat) vs Megatron (alligator) $25 SOLD Maximals -Airazor $20 SOLD -Airazor (repaint with VHS video) $30 -Armordillo $10 SOLD -B’Boom $20 -Bonecrusher $15 -Cheetor (rock bubble, blue eyes) $40 -Cheetor (red eyes) $40 -Cheetor (green eyes) $20 -Claw Jaw $10 -Cybershark $28 -Dinobot (rock bubble) $55 -Grimlock $30 -K-9 $20 SOLD -Magnaboss $70 -Optimus Primal (ultra gorilla) $70 -Polar Claw $40 SOLD -Rattrap (rock bubble) $50 SOLD -Razorbeast (rock bubble) $14 SOLD -Rhinox $40 -Snarl $14 SOLD -Tigatron $50 -Wolfang $20 Fox Kids Maximals (aka “Classics”) -Cheetor $12 -Dinobot $12 -Rhinox $12 -Transmetal Airazor $15 -Transmetal Cheetor (red) $40 -Transmetal Rattrap $12 -Transmetal Rhinox $12 Transmetal Maximals -Airazor $15 -Cheetor $30 -Depthcharge (thick box) $50 -Depthcharge (thin box) $50 -Optimus Primal $45 -Optimal Optimus $100 -Rattrap $24 -Rattrap (blue Wal-Mart exclusive) $30 -Rhinox $20 Fuzor Maximals -Air Hammer $9 -Bantor $9 -Noctorro $9 -Silverbolt $30 -Torca $9 Transmetal 2 Maximals -Blackarachnia (00 version with removable chest plate) $80 SOLD -Cheetor $28 -Cybershark $15 -Jawbreaker $30 -Nightglider $9 SOLD -Optimus Minor $8 -Prowl (white) $20 -Prowl (black) $20 -Ramulus $17 -Ramulus (Roman numeral packaging) $30 -Sonar $9 -Stinkbomb $9 -Tigerhawk $50 Predacons -Blackarachnia $30 -Buzzsaw $35 -Drillbit $10 -Iguanus (rock bubble) $25 -Inferno $30 -Jetstorm $15 SOLD -Lazorbeak $14 -Manterror $10 SOLD -Megatron (ultra t-rex) $70 -Powerpinch $10 SOLD -Razorclaw $10 -Razorclaw (repaint with VHS video) $12 -Retrax $10 -Scorponok $130 SOLD -Snapper $15 -Spittor $10 -Tarantulas (rock bubble) $110 -Terrorsaur (rock bubble) $40 -Transquito $10 -Tripredicus $70 SOLD -Waspinator (rock bubble) Fox Kids Predacons (aka “Classics”) -Waspinator $10 -Transmetal Waspinator (yellow) $25 -Transmetal Tarrantulas (grey) $40 Transmetal Predacons -Megatron $30 (tape has come loose over the years but never opened) -Rampage (thick box) $50 -Rampage (thin box) $50 -Scavenger $20 SOLD -Tarantulas $25 -Terrorsaur $15 -Waspinator $25 Fuzor Predacons -Buzzclaw $10 SOLD -Injector $10 -Quickstrike $25 -Sky Shadow $10 SOLD -Terragator $10 Transmetal 2 Predacons -Dinobot (crème) $38 -Dinobot (white) $28 -Iguanus $17 -Megatron (dragon) $85 -Tripredicus Agent $35 -Scarem $10 -Scourge $22 -Spittor $12 Mutants -Icebird $25 SOLD -Poisonbite $25 SOLD -Razorclaw $25 -Soundwave $25 SOLD