Hi,please check my want list below! Also if there are any other ML figures you are looking for LMK because I may break out my 'for keep' stuff if you have alot that I want. HAVE MOC Legendary Riders Logan MOC SMC Venom MOC Series 7 Weapon X Wolverine MOC SMC Web Splasher Doc Ock MOC Dakan Dark Wolverine MOC Iron Man MOC Punisher (new wave 3,not pictured,box damaged) Brainiac Captain Cold Firestorm Bizarro Batgirl Catwoman Heroes Reborn Iron Man Man Bat Mr Freeze Blue Beetle Supergirl Halo figure Clayface Black Manta Booster Gold Blue Beetle Cyborg WANTS MOTUC Shadow Weaver Sorceress Queen Marlena w/Cringer Teela (regular) Zodac TP Heman BA He Man BA Skeletor BP She Ra King Hsss Scareglow Adora Horde Prime Sota Street Figher (all figures) Figma Samus SH Figuarts Vegeta SH Figuarts SDCC Goku D-Arts Megaman D-Arts Vile D-Arts Zero LEGO Star Wars and Modular buildings