Dino, probably like Sideways and RotF Deadend before him, would look far better when using the rear wheels as heals...
Same apart from the feet! wish they gave him new ones, but ooh well. I shall definitely be buying more :3
And for that pannel to close up better, ergh. But yeh agreed, if i knew how to customise i'd do it =\
I got mine in last friday and its a really good figure. In bot mode he really has a decent look to him. The head is spot on and really like the blades. He can be a little tricky to pose because of his tiny feet, but I got him the way I like him now. He fits in really nice with the other movie figures. Overall very happy with the purchase. 7 out of 10 for me. Took off a point for the feet and 2 points for vehicle mode. which it will never see again
No need to customise, either have the wheel pressed against the inside of the leg, or around the back perpendicular to the leg. Either way can act as a heel and improves the look of the legs.
Oooh! I'll have a look tonight! =D Thanks! Btw will this be going on the front page? just not seen any in hand images of Dino on there that's all.
Probably not. He's already got a review thread going: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/trans...4-movie-advance-ad16-autobot-dino-mirage.html
I a still waiting for TFsource to say its instock along with Soundwave in my preorders.....still June 2014....its July tomorrow