Looking to buy a handful of Movie and Classics figures (and non-TFs)!

Discussion in 'Wanted Items' started by Shadow25, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. Shadow25

    Shadow25 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
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    Hi all,

    Just looking to fill some gaps in my collection, which includes the following:
    -Universe Silverstreak
    -Classics Mirage
    -Classics Skywarp
    -Classics Ramjet
    -Movie 1 Incinerator
    -DOTM Deluxe Soundwave
    -DOTM Deluxe Wheeljack

    Also a few others, which I'm interested in (including some non-TFs) but it would really depend on the deal. These tend to go for a lot and I'm not sure how much I'd be willing to spend. But please don't hesitate to PM me regardless:
    -DOTM HA Soundwave
    -ROTF HA Mudflap
    -Prime Voyager Breakdown
    -Figma Pit (Kid Icarus)
    -D-Arts Blastoise
    -D-Arts Charizard

    Loose is fine, as long as it's complete and in decent shape. I would strongly prefer to buy in bulk, so please hit me up if you're looking to sell more than one item on this list.
