Hello, I'm looking for the following toys, complete. 1x Super Human Syber-Squad Deluxe 10" Drago - $60. 1x Super Human Syber-Squad Deluxe 10" Xenon - $50. 2x Super Human Syber-Squad Deluxe 10" Servo (Any of the color schemes except the Chrome ones. Would love to have one in the black and silver color scheme, I believe this one is was called "Digital Night Servo", will pay slightly more for that one.) - $20. None of my prices account for shipping and are completely negotiable. I'm mostly looking for Drago at this point. Though the other two are wanted, Drago is my definite must for my collection. I would like for the chrome parts on these toys to have as little wear as possible, as such, if you make an offer, I'd like if you provided pics so I can see how the chrome on your toys look. I'm not too terribly picky on this front though. I'd also like for the stickers to be in good Shape too. I know on the few SSSS toys I've got left, the stickers have all but peeled away. These two factors will determine how much I'm willing to pay in the end, but like I said, not too picky. The conditions on the Servos can be negligible. Just so long as they can hold a pose while armored up in either the Xenon or Drago parts. I prefer to buy these paired with the parts. If your offering Digital Night Servo I want it mint, I'll buy this one by itself. I don't care if any of them have their boxes, just so long as their complete parts wise, these are all going to be displayed out of box anyway. To be honest, I would prefer out of box just because of cost issues.
I actually have everything you are looking for. Drago, Xenon, and 2 Servo with all his weapons (1x long sword, 1x short sword, 1x axe sword, 1x axe, 1xshield, 1xarm protector, I think) They have wear and tear from play and display. I don't intend to let them go unless the offer really "wow" me, as they are precious to me. I am just throwing it out there that I do have them. I cannot take pictures of them in detail but here is one I have online of them: By exomega255 at 2010-07-01