I've been looking for a more permanent solution than Sharpies for touching up chrome on figures, as well as something I could use to paint over a detail in an entirely different color, without it showing through. I cam across these Molotow pens and wanted to get the opinions of some of you more experienced customizers. https://www.amazon.com/Molotow-ONE4...ywords=chrome+paint+pen&qid=1583343545&sr=8-3 https://www.amazon.com/Molotow-ONE4...s=molotow+metallic+blue&qid=1583343600&sr=8-7 Are these worth the money, or are there better options out there?
They're pretty much the best chrome markers you can find in my opinion. You're gonna have to look for a good topcoat for it though, the chrome finish is very fragile and it could take about a month to fully cure.
Thank you for the info. Any advice on an easy brush-on topcoat? I have seen that a lot of those look pretty thick, which makes me worry about applying them to small areas of detail.
There's a entire thread for this actually. Though from what I've seen so far I think Future might be your best bet? Though I could be wrong. Customs: - MOLOTOW LIQUID CHROME MARKERS TRIAL