Anyone know of any muscle car transformers?? It doesn’t matter what car. if you find any please post pictures below
Here are a few: Studio Series Shatter: Studio Series Dropkick: High Octane Bumblebee: Cybertron Downshift: Transformers Prime Cliffjumper:
There's also PRID Cliffjumper, a minicon or two who's name escape me, and Marvel Crossovers Venom and Carnage
I wouldn't recommend car Shatter to my worst enemy (and we do own that figure too). Worst Studio Series figure ever. Expect unintentional partsforming shenanigans.
Want something out now and easy to find? SS-49 Bumblebee. Best non-MPM Movie Bumblebee we'll ever get, probably. He's not a classic 70s-80s muscle car like the options Fschuler made, but he's a great little toy.
Barricade, the Character from the live action movies is a Saleen S281e. In the fifth movie he is changed to a Saleen 302 with a drastically modified body including hood and spoiler. Barricade (Movie) - Transformers Wiki He has had several toys including a fairly detailed Studio Series version and a Movie Masterpiece Version that can still be readily obtained. Studio Series Transformers Studio Series 28 Deluxe Class Transformers Movie 1 Barricade Figure – Hasbro Pulse Movie Masterpiece Transformers Masterpiece Movie Series MPM-5 Barricade