For me personally, the one thing the older draft has over the newer one is having a proper cockpit chest instead of the G1 Skyquake glass plate. The newer ones shoulderpads are a bit too large for my taste, but that's not a big deal. Otherwise, the newer one looks so much nicer.
Now if only we could go back in time and whine during WFC Barricade so that Bulkhead could've actualy looked like a G1 Bulkhead instead of "thats... Bulkhead-ish I guess??"
Unfortunately IDK if it would have done as much since Barricade is at least based on a drawing by Guido Guidi. I do hope Barricade can either get a redo of they introduce Movie Universe stuff and we get a more movie-looking Barricade. Also down the line I could see Bulk getting redone.
Shame that we will never get a proper G1 skyquake because of this. The redesign isn’t too bad, but I’d still prefer if they straight up didn’t hybridize them. I hate Prime and I just want a proper G1 skyquake that doesn’t blow up when you plug another predator in the back, and my friends want TFP skyquake that isnt ass and breaks and have mismatched feet. Oh well, at least I bought the original MW Starscream right after he got leaked, so I’m happy now.
I'm so glad they didn't go with modern jet with robot underneath, it's getting rediculous now. Been waiting for them to lean into the scifi with their jets so they can stay streamlined. I bet Machine Wars Starscream will be a Walmart exclusive. I love Banzaitron, and I wouldn't say no, but why do you say this? Actually it would be a great mold for prebeast Depth Charge.
I wonder when they do a G1 version, if they will at all retool parts of him minus new colors and a faceplate. Cause I kinda would like the wings/engines to be larger.
I honestly doubt that. Besides given how the leg transforms and the proportions are so chunky on the back its pretty much impossible to get a proper G1 Skyquake out of this.
Yeah Arcee and Bulkhead have a whole lot of problems. But do they understand why people think that or are they just pouting about it ? Oh and speaking of bad design... wait until more people get this in hand and are screaming about the mess they made of his spine area. Quote : He does have head light piping and the engines on his feet along with his gatling blaster are blast effect compatible I roll my eyes when they brag about doing the bare minimum like they did something clever.. as yes it isn't guaranteed that they will get even this much right lately. Hopefully they can get some new people in the next few years and we can get some of this badly implemented borderline non-functional design & engineering out of the system. As you really can't expect people to pay premium prices for inferior products for ever.
I think they understand the reasons why. You can kinda just it's not gonna be 1:1. If, not changes are done it would basically be this: a hybrid between G1 and Prime but new head and colors like this digi.
I'm pretty much expecting something like the digibash you just sent. Only difference is I think they'll paint the outline of the chest window copper as all his artwork depicts it that way, and maybe give him his mouth plate details. I think he's gonna be part of this year's Walmart capsule line seeing how Dreadwing has been listed as part of the mainline. After that I think they'll retool the G1 variant of the mold into MW Starscream some time in the future. What they'll call G1 Skyquake I'm not sure.
So what's the point? If its going to be barely similar to the original design, they should just cut their losses and just repaint the thing. People will eat it up regardless unfortunately.
I could still see them calling him Starscream just that he's from the Machine Wars Universe. Also just having the name Starscream will help him kinda sell. The point of it would probably be it's the closest we will get to a CHUG G1 Syquake.
I think they went with this hybrid look so they can farm the mould for a Machine Wars Starscream deco and not just get Dreawing out of it if it was more accurate to the Prime source that is all they can get. Where as hypothetically they could even make King Atlas out of this mould too. Not to mention cross market it with a future Predator Plane if they do one (due to the attachment point on the jet). Oh I don't know a lot of things seem to be misunderstood by them. They live in their own little bubbles so whoever shouts loudest at them is heard. But it is a good thing they seem to have got some idea that people want no REQUIRE legacy (pardon the pun) feature implementation. I honestly think that is something they didn't understand at all. Which is pretty bizzarre. It's like 5 minutes with any fan would have revealed so many concerns that never crossed their mind. For example I bet they never for one second thought to include the occasional tastefully placed blast impact port. I think a good example of them living in a bubble and not thinking things through is that they made no attempt to include a combined weapon mode for their two new Haslab Micromasters... as the people who shout loudest at them will scream and pi$$ at them about it, but such people lack "2nd degree thinking" and just scream about what they want and don't give a crap about what anyone else might want. Example Having a gun mode makes little functional difference to the toys but makes them distinct from the originals rather than just them being a rehash, as well as being a reference to Minicons too. But what I mean by not thinking deeper is if the Micromasters had gun modes they'd have blast effect ports and so would (quite often) end up with ports in a place useful in another mode resulting in the ability to fit the blast effects to the back of the vehicle or to the bottom of the robot mode feet too. or even to use the impast blast effects to simulate them being shot. If they instead think "More G1 better" they miss those sorts of 2ndary effects and that is how you end up with silly little design mistakes like what Blitzwing has so many of, as they seem to not be thinking that people will be playing with these toys (as you know they are toys). There is a reason so many Transformes fans are buying 3rd party or Diaclone or other things or waiting for sales and it's because those "fun elements" of the brand of Transformers is slowly being lost. Heck the Evolution wave 2 reveals were met with a degree of apathy and lots of people saying they'd Buy 1 or two and get the others in a sale. Where as show them a tiny crocodile in the kids line and every one looses their minds. Because said Crocodile is "fun". Crosscut is just bloody weird looking.
He's had a car, tank and boat alt modes. Needs a jet now lol That and the sketches for the heads and colors kinda remind me of Banzaitron's.
I was referring to G1 Skyquake I should've specified my bad. Yeah they'll mostly likely call it "Machine Wars Universe Starscream". But what I was referring to with Skyquake was would they still call him Skyquake or change is name to Scrash just to avoid the confusion of having two Skyquakes out at the same time. That and would they list him a regular G1 character or list him as "G2 Universe" due to time Europe characters were released.