Got too much stuff again, selling stuff, take all this crap off my hands! All complete, and in good condition, unless otherwise stated. Item prices are pretty firm, but I'll make deals for multiple purchases. Keep checking back, I'll update with new stuff and pictures. For Sale Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron - $20 (collector owned, never transformed, no signs of GPS) Classics Grimlock - $15 Animated Lockdown - $8 Animated Activators Ratchet - Offers Universe Cybertron Undermine - $4 Beast Machines Spystreak -$5 PCC Double Clutch with Rallybots - $10 PCC Sledge with Throttler - $5 PCC Searchlight with Backwind - $5 PCC Skyhammer with Airlift - $5 DOTM Specialist Ratchet - $5 Armada Sea Minicon Team - Offers ROTF Legends Thundercracker - Free with purchase South Park Seasons 1-5 - $50 (great condition, barely used)