Just checking the times for 2d screenings and ive noticed that my local cinema between the 25 to the 27th there are no 2d screenings showing up at all. Is this the case for anyone else? Im not a fan of 3d and 3d hurts my eyes after a long period of time plus 2d screenings are cheaper hence why I prefer 2d.
Don't worry just yet, sometimes on theater websites, like Fandango, they don't update times until Tuesday-Wednesday.
It's likely they aren't updated yet, but I have noticed with other movies when I look at times there are usually 2-3 3D showings for every one 2D show. They are obviously forcing the shit out of 3D. I can't stand 3D in most cases, but I will make an exception in this case.
There are a few near me. My friends and I have tickets to a 10pm showing next Thursday evening in 2D (we always strive to go for those, and 3D is only ever a last resort).
All the theaters in my area have the same amount of 3D screenings as 2D screenings (NYC). Don't know what that means for you, but in my area, that's not the case. Regardless, I'm pretty sure the movie will be awesome in 3D anyway.