Sorry I'm not good at reviewing stuff but here are some details. - It comes in a huge carded packaging and occupied my whole fornt car seat. - It does come with a kid size mask which is similar to the ones sold in Toy's R Us but is made of hard plastic - Its huge. If you look at the pic below, you'll see how small the deluxe is. - The chest (Hood) is one piece unlike the original - The doors are not connected by a black hose/wire as compared to the original. So you'll have to pop them off and re-attach behind his back - Got electronic sounds but simple gun fire sounds. It also says something something like "lets go rangers" - Eyes lights up - No lights for both head and tail lights - No Chevy logo on the grill - The head can only turn/look left. Dunno what's up with that - Joints are tight. Only problem I have is the shoulder connection. Pops off easily - Plastic is good. The yellow plastic even have those metallic flakes just like the original. NEW PICS
interesting enough... beats the one at my WM that someone opened and then chucked back into the box in car mode...
Looks weaker than the Hasbro version, I also sort of liked the Autobot logo on his chest. Even if it's not accurate. I'd only get Ultimate Bumblebee if he's marked down, quite a lot. Otherwise, I'll just stick with 20th Prime.