I got this guy from AliExpress and couldn't be happier, Xbots transform robot. I suggest if you want a g1 Jetfire for $20 get it. Miner mold change and no metal but other than that the same. I imagine if you're as careful with it as u would be with a $200 one from eBay you'll be fine. I painted his chest and nose cone then made some stickers. I even made a fake rub sign. I'm hoping to make the armor peaces soon.
Progress, Found some time and started making the FAST pack. Up till now I've used 2mm styren, but wanted to try thinner sheets this time. Found out when you try and plastic weld them together there too thin and just melt off... After failing on day one I came back and started putting in extra sheet to brase the corner witch made things better. Also if anyone has a good idea on what junk I could use for the exhaust nozzle would be appreciated.