So today, I went to the DMV and picked up my permit! Went driving tonight, and man was I terrified! You think its simple at first, there is so much to do while driving! Any funny/close calls you've had while driving?
Thanks! Surpisingly I didn't hit the curb, and decided it would be best if I trailed far behind the bikers who kept showing up.. I'll be driving my dads Chevy Silverado, BE THERE OR BE SQUARE
I'd highly recommend that... DAMMIT! I'll ask my friend if I can borrow his Mustang..... ............that will never happen.
well, mine needs a little fixing before we race. bunch of parts are in the wrong place. See? in addition to the trunk being dented in and the steering wheel being on the other side of the car, it's also missing the engine. instead there's a bunch of pipe things.
Hahahahahahahaha I can't even drive anymore since my permit expired over a year ago. Hahaha.. Haha... Haaa...
i have a malibu i'll smoke the both of ya.. fuel injected light changes i leave dodges,chevy fords in the past
wait- you got a permit and you're already driving? i got my learner's permit and spent 2 months driving on dirt roads, tractor access roads, blacktops in the middle of no-effin'-where and my parents gradually let me work my way up from small towns to small cities. The close calls i have had down here is with Deer at night. i think they chug Red Bull and then play Frogger with us humans. congrats and be safe!
I've been practicing in neighborhoods that were never finished. There is this huge one with tons of roads and parking lots! But today, I drove on a very busy street. I was so nervous my foot was shaking on the pedal! But I made it And thank you! Same goes to you!
Yikes! What city do you live in? Anyway, congrats, I'm sure you'll have plenty of practice before you'll get your driving license. Hopefully you'll get that dream in the near future.
I live in Tampa I really want my liscense! I'll be walking home from school as a junior until December 1st And thank you