This figure was based on original artwork done by a fellow's wife. As you can see in the WIP shot, she's quite talented with digital illustration. "Jill Frost" is a superhero that looks like a cross between Iceman and Emma Frost (no relation, apparently). I don't typically take commissions for 3.75" scale figures, but decided to in this instance because I was already working with this scale of toy for on an upcoming series of Zombie Apocalypse GI JOE scale figures. That, and I really liked the character design. Recipe: -Marvel Universe Spider-Woman (from Secret Wars 2-pack) -High-heeled boots, cast by "Raginspoon's Custom Cast Parts and Figures" -Female Headcast from a random seller online -Lightening Effects from MU Storm (repainted, trimmed into clip-on 'ice' effects) -Large Ice Blast (made from styrene + a MU Iron Man vortex blast for the handle) -Paper clips (carefully bent, and superglued into drilled out holes in the boots - then resculpted over with Aves for the 'ice skates' -Cast Warhammer 9" Ice Base, resculpted/repainted. Carved out new cracks, and made 2 indentations so the figure could stand properly, while wearing skates. The rest is Kneadite (Citadel 'Green Stuff') + Aves Apoxie Sculpt (Gray). Painted with Mr. Hobby Super Metallic Chrome & Gunmetal (Lacquer paint), black/blondes/eyes done with Vallejo Acrylics, and sealed with Mr. Spray Super Clear Matte finish. Hope you like the pics.