What I mean is that the common complaint about IDW 2.0 is that it's a very slow burn to certain mjaor events in each issue but some said given how the writer has a different writing style made for regular novels is reading them when they're collected in TPB really makes the overall story not feel so sluggish? Cause I've heard some people say it is. If you don't think so then why?
You know, I can see a case being made for that. There are shows that are sometimes best viewed in a marathon rather than waiting for each episode. That said, I'm doubtful if reading them in trade form will help that much, because I think the slow pacing is only one issue with these stories. I don't even think slow pacing is inherently a detriment, but I CAN See why it takes people out of it. I think my issue overall is how uninspired and basic everything is, and when you have such a diverse and vast catalog of characters to choose from, that's inexcusable.