When a friend of mine saw that I had the Autobot logo as the background for my phone, he proclaimed that I must figure out how it transforms. Well once the idea what in place I couldn't NOT do that. Now my phone is an Intensity 2 (for now, until I can find a stable enough job to upgrade). This model has a slide out keyboard so that affected how it would transform in my mind. In the end, I decided the screen part that slides up becomes a shield and the keyboard half becomes the robot. Most of the qwerty keys end up on the legs. The robot mode is knight based and he would have the sword and shield mentioned. So in the end, the robot would stand maybe 6 inches tall and wield a sword and shield, thus I dubbed him Keyguard. Has anyone else seen something and extrapolated a robot mode?
Sometimes I see cars on the road and try to think about how they would transform. There is a green van that drives around here with an Autobot symbol. I imagine it would tranform like Trailbreaker. Also, when I designed Optequus Prime. Optimus Prime... as a pony, and can still Transform. His front legs have panels that fold out over his large pony head to form the cab. His body extends and the hind legs fold up to form the back wheels. His tail transforms into the trailer hitch and some back panels that fill out the truck form.
I tried transforming my leftover during last lunch. The carrot sticks and rice certainly made robotics figure, alongside the half-eaten chicken breast
Glad to know I'm not the only one who tries to figure out how something would transform into a robot mode.