Hi all, I'm not sure if many people are aware of these but this seller on Etsy has been working on an amazing project. Quite literally a full collection of G1 tech specs from all over the world, all in English, even the later tech specs lol like the original style. No mismatched fonts, all tech specs are the same size, and there's tech specs for characters that never received proper cards, AND many more special bonus cards, with even more to come in 2025! https://www.etsy.com/shop/InternetRebellion His FB page is here, which shows some other unique things he has in the works! InternetRebellion I also found pages to use in binders that works perfectly for these: 4 Pocket Sheet Protector - Pocket Capacity 2" x 8 1/2" - MC401 Pictures are not in particular order. I have most of the sets, but not all. These are amazing and a bit to own for any fellow collector. These go well far and beyond what the previous tech spec set set out to do.
My collection of these... I now also own the new Junkion set and DJD set. These are now all in binder books that I just put together...
Another thing that's cool in one of the extra sets is there's Blue Rumble and Red Frenzy variants as well as Blue chested Swoop. https://youtu.be/3hE4lYoLaOA?si=M0KRw5O25EwsYHsZ https://youtu.be/GUaWCZOAtMc?si=NStCSCqrJZZpu3Qw
I decided to make some prints for my binders to dress them up... If anyone is also collecting these, these are formatted for 2 inch thick binders. I will not be selling these, but will share the PDF files for free if anyone would like to have these too. Enjoy!