Does anyone know if there is even a thought somewhere in Hasbro or any other company for that matter of producing a trailer for the Leader Class Optimus Prime? I would love one and even go crazy if it even looked close to the trailer on DOTM... some might say to get Ultimate OP...come on now, REALLY? lol...Just wanna get your thoughts about this and perhaps even a rumor that someone might have heard, maybe takara down the line?....thanks
To be honest, I don't think there is enough demand for it, especially with all the new Primes that they have been releasing WITH a trailer. Would we all like one for (I assume you mean) ROTF OP? Sure, but I don't see it happenning, at least any time soon. I could maybe see some kind of "addition" or "upgrade" making the connection of the DOTM Ultimate Prime trailer to ROTF OP better. I forget exactly why those 2 don't go together well. would be SOOO awesome to get a trailer for the ROTF OP mold....I know we might never see one here in the states...but hopefully in Japan one day...I would assume they never actually made one since it just appeared for the first time in I would hope someone would think about it at least and make a release of can only dream....
You know, with the extreme popularity of the Leader Optimus mold, a willingness from fans to spend tons of money on it, and the failure of any official company to deliver a DotM-accurate weapons-rack trailer...I'm betting a third party tackles it. And I'm not just saying it, you know, how people say "my favorite G1 character doesn't exist, or it does but it sucks. THIRD PARTY SAVE US." No, I think there's money to be had here. And it's not like the engineering is hard to figure out, as the mold has been around for ages. They just have to 1) not get ambitious and have it also turn into a robot or armor or something that causes huge engineering cost and awkwardness, 2) probably cut out the Jetwing backpack for cost and size (no way it could actually nestle into the bottom of the trailer as it does in the film) 3) spend a few extra cents on the paint so that it actually looks accurate in vehicle mode, considering that the target audience is already people who are practically OCD (brothers, sisters).
If it was to scale to the ROTF mold and color accurate....I would be SOOOO happy....if it transformed head would explode!!!! Do you know how sick it would be to have an accurate OP WITH his trailer...