From HK-TF, fans at Hongkong, Finally have this Chronicles Item Well, the tariler is not the G1 style, it's something like the BTS Trailer..but smaller size....
Deluxe Prime isn't as much of an improvement as the Voyager Megs was, but still looks nice. Also, that G1 Prime mold looks so weird with that accurate head and that clunky inaccurate body But if the G1 Prime included is the one on the left then... I fail to see the point in it. It's almost exactly the same as the original but it's lacking the stickers :/
I believe the one on the left is the Chronicles one, the one on the right is the Music Label one for comparison. If the Chronicles one came with the Music Label head I would buy it right now.
Would make a good basis for a G.I. Joe Crossover. Could be the Coastal Defender MK II YOJOE.COM | Coastal Defender
The timeline seems to be missing G2 gobot Prime, machine wars prime, and the first Beast Machines Prime.
It's also missing Primal Prime and Air Attack Optimus Primal, all of these toys were never released in Japan.
I don't think this is meant to capture every variant of Optimus Prime. Air Attack Primal is still Primal from Beast Machines. Primal Prime is a repaint given cannon during the 3H days. You don't see G2 Go-bots Prime in there, either (which was released in japan).
Already have an original G1 OP and trailer in awesome condition, DOTM Wal*Mart deluxe bought too; I need that trailer! (or the voyager trailer)
So the trailer transforms into a concert stage now ? lol They could have at least combined G1 with now and gave the inside of the trailer the G1 tower and launcher deal.. The heads not new. its the same head thats on the iPod Prime here
Bad idea putting Chronicles G1 Prime next to Music Label Prime.... people are just going to think ML is the new one, and that it has a new head. Oy.