would have been nice, but they went the ko route instead, maybe soon considering they're trying to pick their reputation back up off the floor lately
It's like his posts are invisible lol. Anyways, I'm exited for an iGear Predaking. Thanks for the news fabexmax.
If someone gives an actual answer, people are trained to ignore it. Nobody comes to message boards to learn, the come to fight. Simple answers preclude pointless arguments. Two supposed Predakings upcoming? Wallet says yikes. It knows I like Predaking.
Now that 3rd parties are in full swing, is it even POSSIBLE we could see a mass produced Predaking X? Do 3rd parties ever reach out to these mega-popular customizers?
Well bad news is $500-$600 for Predaking. Good news is that he will be a bad ass. My 3rd party stuff makes my Hasbro and Takara stuff look bad, in terms of poseabilty and detail. These Chinese engineers are awesome, hopefully they arnt beaten by their bosses to get this level of craftsmanship out of them.
You're wrong, now lets fight! Is the other one TFC? Cause I might be torn between TFC and iGear. Guess it depends which one is more classics. Although, a Masterpiece (PP scale) Predaking would be amazing as well. Damn, my wallet hates me.