Something I owned since the early 90's. I Forgot how I obtained it and whether it was individually packed or was part of a set. It looks like to me, an upscaled Micromaster of sorts but having checked images of every existing Micromaster, there seems to be none who look like this. For a KO (which I think it might be), it's of a surprisingly good quality, paint(s) used included. Robot mode can't stand up properly now, so I have to support it with my hand. Also, there's no brand markings anywhere.
This is White Knight from a series called The Formulator Force. It uses a modified version of Stakeout's torso, but is otherwise an original mold.
Absolutely amazing that someone knew that. I would like an explanation for why it has giant nipples on top though.
Thanks for the response, guys. Now, I'm having the urge to seek out the rest to bolster my minicon/micromaster ranks. Looking back, I now recall owning the Porsche as well.
The Porsche was one of my favorites, maybe I can dig him up at the weekend, if I don't forget it I hope I found the right translation: I got mine as a kid in a wonder bag/grab bag.