Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but not sure where else to post it. I think the 'B' in B/S/T is for 'Buying'? Anyways...anyone got a Human Alliance Jazz still in package? I'm interested in one but not too keen on the eBay prices.
Yes. It does stand for Buy-Sell-Trade. Have you taken a look at Ross Stores or T.J. Maxx/Marshall's? They've been known to carry a number of the Movie-Verse figures before... of which last year I grabbed a few HAs. (Sorry none are MISB or for sale atm.) You can also make a Wants list to link on your sig... or simply add "LF MISB HA Jazz" onto the sig. Good luck!
Yeah I've been looking and looking, but even back then I've only seen HA Bees. Now I can only find DOTM stuff/Warpath's wave of Generations in TJ Maxx/Marshall's... Thanks though! Reallynow? What kind of price are we talking?