They have so few lines in the movie when they have a voice actor....bee seemed to get more "emoting" time due to him not having lines. So...this being Movieverse and all...I really wouldn't mind?
I wouldn't really like it myself but you're right about the small robot voice lines. HotRods mouthplate looks very similar to Bumblebee, so it's a possibility.
really disappointed, same thing for bee, he should have gained his voice at the end of the first movie imo.
I for one like Bees character with the emoting and talking through the radio. I think it makes him who he is. But I don't want Hot Rod to talk that way. The radio thing is unique to Bee, leave it with Bee. Let Hot Rod get some other unique traits that only he has.
As long as they give Bumblebee a real voice and let Will Friedle do it I'll be happy. If not, somebody is gonna have to die...
It would not fit Hot Rod's personality at all. Unless they completely change his character like he was in G1 or other incarnations, then I guess it'd be extremely disappointing that they would make Hot Rod so similar to Bee.
Uggghh, no. It's bad enough Bay is sticking with this mute Bee crap. It was cute in the first movie, now it's just fragging ridiculous.