Even though it it time-lapsed, it looks pretty darn awesome. (beware those with 56k!) That's a mighty big plane... And as usual I post my Disclaimer: Just in case this has been posted before, I didn't see it, so I'm posting it again! So there! )
I like the shots of them worming their way through the town. I'm surprised that Airbus didn't build their own bypass.
I wonder why those big pieces needed to be shipped there. Couldn't they do the entire assembly at one location? I hope they tightened the wings down good.
Imagine being some guy up late, can't sleep, so he goes outside for some air. And sees THAT coming down his street. I once owned a bookmark, it was a single piece of cardstock in a plastic sleeve. I swear, on the side was written "Made in China; assembled in Taiwan."
Airbus is a multinational European company. They had existing assembly assets throughout the continent. The cost to find and build a new assembly plant to manufacture everything would have been extremely cost prohibitive. Yeah, because that's a step they'd forget.