I would like to ask you all a very simple question, at what point does your collecting go from a hobby to an obsession? My wife asked me last night while we were trying to pick a DVD to watch why I needed 7 different versions of the 86 movie on DVD. I explained that they were all bar 2 slightly different First Canadian DVD release, with "oh shit" in it, superman style opening First uk DVD release with "oh shit" in it, star wars style scrolling 2 uk versions without "oh shit" in them, 2nd one bought cause all the artwork, logos and speel are not from movie n that made me giggle The uk reconstructed version The American 20th anniversary edition The uk tin 20th anniversary edition Now that being said whenever I watch it I only ever grab the first uk one as it's the version I grew up with but with added haughtiness of swearing! Or I'll watch the bluray. I have and never will watch the 2 standard uk versions, will probably never watch the Canadian again. The reconstructed I think is one you only need to see once. The two 20th anniversary editions are great for extras. I knew I hit too much when I bought the version with wrong artwork just cause, what about you? What part of your collection shows where it went from a collection to obsession?
I only think it's an obsession when it interferes with other stuff that should take priority in your life. If you have the $$ to buy all those variants and still control your other obligations in life, then I don't think it's a problem. Someone who is obsessed would buy all those instead of paying his electric bill or something
Just about exactly what I was going to say, it usually doesn't begin to approach addiction until you begin to.. how to put it.. harm yourself or others around you in any given way.