How do you keep track of your collection?? Do you use an excel spreadsheet or a database of some sort?? I'm curious because as my collection is slowly growing i've been wondering how to keep track of it all. I was thinking a making an access database where you could pick ... say Op. Prime. Then select all the series he's been in i.e. G1, G2, etc.. then select the version (hasbro, hasbro reissue, Taraka reissue) and a list of all the parts for that release would display. You could select what parts you have, or if it's MISB or MIB etc. I'd also add a cost field and date field so i know what i paid and when... cause i care. Anyone use anything like that?? or would use?
Hey Crackerboy, I have used an Excel sheet in the past, but, I last updated it roughly 75 TFs ago. I need to get my @$$ back into gear. And yeah, the Access database is a good idea too. Each row in my excel spreadsheet consisted of TF name, allegiance, series (G1, 2, BW, etc.), subgroup (aerialbot, headmaster, etc.), condition (C1-10), completeness, and approximate value. I figured the approximate value field is largely useless, since there's no guarantee that I would get a certain amount for the bot or expect to pay some certain amount for a bot (just look at some of the prices given in the price guides on and compare those to prices on ebay and in online shops; big differences! I did, however, "toy" around with the idea of including the amount I actually paid for an item so that I could track, potential, return on investment, if any . If I'm not mistaken, I believe there are ready made "collectors" database programs out there, though, they may be more than what you need for your own personal purposes. Have fun!
I just try to keep track of it by memory; it usually works, but every once in a while I forget I already have something and wind up buying it twice... doesn't happen too often though. I usually only slip up when I go back to a part of my collection I've been neglecting for awhile.
I'll usually remember if I have a toy or not, so I don't write them down (my mother tried to get me to spreadsheet them, but it was too much hassle). The only figures I own multiples of are ones that I bought, then someone gave me one as a gift, or if it was a second-hand figure that I later found one in better condition.
I have a giant brain that is able to reduce any complex machine into a simple yes or no answer. Keeping track is no problem.
I've got no problems keeping track of my collection. Of course, I have no idea how many Transformers I have in total.
Same, I know more names of Transformers than I do of people. For the most part I find TFs more interesting too. (TF Fans excluded). I'm a computer Geek and get paid for it. P.S. I lost the exact number count of Transformers I had in the late 90's. But I would know if one was missing.
Giant notebook. All seperated by year & faction. Then a A-Z list of other toylines including what I have for each. Plus a custom Encyclopedia with pics, checklists, fold out catalogs etc. From Diaclone to Energon. Also a gaint binder full of figure cards and some homeade Gen1 cards for bio & info on the G1's I own
I use Excel Its pretty useful especially since I got all my stuff scattered all over the place.
I don't have enough stuff to forget that I have things. Though, I do seem to have more stuff, than I have shelves....
I keep what I have in my head, though every once in a while there will be a figure that I can't remember if I have or not. I think I should do that next year though, keep track with a spreadsheet or something. Just for kicks as stuff. The stuff I'm still after is what I usually write down though.
I know most stuff, unless we start getting into Micromasters. Those guys are impossible for me to keep track of.
I pretty much know every one I have, I just miss ones out if people ask me to tell them what Ive got. So I have a list I keep track of in Word Document.
I don't have many so naturally I don't forget. (Maybe except for Minicons) But sometimes I forget why I passed on a certain figure and get it later on.
I use an excel spreadsheet, and have it set up to do the math for me. I also keep track of my allegiance sizes as well as remove duplicates for actual faction composition counts. Yes, I am anal.
I have an Excel spreadsheet, but I just use it as a checklist. I have a page for each category(i.e. G1 Autobots, G1 Decepticons, BW Maxies, BW Preds, etc...). Each page has one column with all the toys that I want and one column with all the toys that I own. Whenever I buy something I move it from the "want" column to the "own" column. I have other columns where I can list missing parts and stuff. I don't have a huge collection right now so I can probably remember everything I have, but I thought it would be fun to make a checklist. I guess that way I can feel like I'm working towards something.