...and it should be called "Transformers: Chronicles of the Fat Ballerina." I mean seriously, out of the whole Autobot cast, that guy was the life of the whole group. He needs his own movie, and it should focus on what he's been doing before Optimus assembled the Autobots. I think it would be a great character study of a person who, despite being an alien robot, is overweight, has a beard, and smokes cigars. Why does he possess these traits? What makes the guy tick? And most importantly, how is he clever enough to transform without us actually seeing him transform? All in all, I think it would be a way more interesting film than Age of Extinction.
He saw the movie The Big Lebowski and has made a strong attempt to emulate the face, voice, and size of actor John Goodman. I mean, think about it. Have any of us seen John Goodman transform?
As long as it ends with a version of the Autobots reunited scene from AoE. I love how excited Hound is in that scene. "Heeeee's alive!" "Optmus is alive!"
Can we have Cade riding on Hound's back with the gunsword recreating the Optimus/Grimlock charge? Hound: Look at me, I'm a big metal dinosaur!
If I had my way, TF4 would be a buddy movie about Brains and Wheelie becoming private investigators with Hound as their muscle.