That's pretty cool, he is an inspiration to other disadvantaged players everywhere. It's nice to see people like him living up to their full potential!
I find what Abbot did pitching in the majors with one hand a lot more impressive. Really, of all the sports to be able to play with only one hand, basketball seems like it would by far be the easiest.
hmm.... for a change of pace, I usually use the other hand while playing with my ball .. ....on the court! (before I launch into my killer crossover move!) speaking of 'other hand', the title isn't really accurate.. the guy DOES have TWO HANDS, unfortunately though, he has only ONE FINGER on one of his hands, so he is not that handicapped, and can thus pick his finger while doing something else, also, most of us only type with one finger at a time anyway. In fact, instead of admiring this guy, we should really be pissed off at this guy, God knows how much 'sympathy pussy' he's getting, when really others more deserving should be having.
college ball players (especially d1) dont need sympathy to get pussy. also, your distasteful jokes would be a bit more bearable if they were actually funny. i suggest you warm up with scientology topics.
pah... are we so bereft of heroes that even the mundane and banal get elevated status?? gimme a friggin break! He has TWO hands, not ONE, just missing a few fingers (and I'll offer one if I see him) basically bullied himself onto the basketball team with a mixture of hustle, political correctness and yes, sympathy- could've been an 'OK' soccer player (as opposed to being an OK basketball player) but then wouldnt have been 'novel' would he?
Now that kid that plays football without anything below his waist, now that's inspiring. Think he held a record for sacks even. That's one determined s.o.b.
If he had "nothing below the waist" ...wouldnt his record be somewhat less? I mean, without a sac to start off with?