I have the GoW ladder but no idea how to best attach it. Anyone got any ideas or, even better, pictures to share? Thanks!
I think this video shows how to effectively attach the ladder. Vangelus Review 61 - TFClub TFC-004 Gear of War Accessory Set - YouTube
That video is exactly what I needed. Thanks! Though I did see a photo a while ago of someone who managed to get it onto his back in bot mode, so feel free to keep any interpretations and tutorials coming!
Can't remember exactly how I did it, but I opened the back panel slightly to put the ladder on his back. It's not a secure lock, but it holds well enough for display.
Well just keep in mind, i wouldn't recommend pulling off the ladder and putting in back on over and over. The little nub may get messed up over time. I did the ladder thing with my Hot Spot fig and left it alone.
Thanks for the pics, and the advice. He looks worlds better now. I may just leave him a truck since the ladder looks so boss on there. I love this mold, but it is really clunky in both modes. Now one is perfect!