yes, yes, I realize how funny the title may look. anyway, I just got the "free photoshop" program GIMP, and can't for the life of me figure out how to use it. I couldn't really figure out how to use microsoft paint, which came with the computer. as far as editing software goes, I'm as dumb as it gets. the tutorials online seem to assume a brief bit of familiarity with this sort, which I just don't have. can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorital or offer any help/advice? I'd like to be able to do the type of cool, creative stuff that board users here do, not really much more. I didn't really think that it should take like 20 steps to edit pics, but apparently it does. much appreciated.
I was going to make some derisive, double-entendre joke about how Nephthys is the perfect woman for the job when it comes to whipping your GIMP into shape and really laying the iron to it when it comes to getting your GIMP to do as you want. But I'm not going to, because I'm the bigger man. Then again, I guess I actually made the joke when I described the joke I was not going to make. Funny how that works, eh?
thanks. I actually had already been to a bunch of those. *on a totally unrelated note, I just got back from tokyo kid, which you recommended to razorwire on his trip out here. neat place, but wayyyy too many anime girl things around the store.
Of course, it certainly helps if you have some experience with Photoshop and weren't flying by the seat of your pants. Otherwise, all I have to offer is
If you can't use Paint, you might be getting yourself in pretty deep. I'd recommend practicing with Paint first, and learn the absolute basics with that before jumping on the GIMP.