From the top: Cyb Supreme Starscream Armada Superpants Prime No idea No idea No idea No idea Universe 1.0 Sunstorm (x2)
i believe the clear one just above the sunstorm missles is a Cybertron Leader Class Megs for the little launcher mounted on his alt mode engine.
Cyb Supreme Starscream Armada Superpants Prime Reissue Optimus prime Cyb megatron *like previously mentioned* No idea No idea Universe 1.0 Sunstorm not a clue on those two remaining ones. one reminds me of the weapon from dinobot, BUT it's a missile, lol so not his. maybe not even transformers related?
Cyb Supreme Starscream Armada Superpants Prime Reissue Optimus prime Cyb Vector Prime No idea Cyb Megatron Universe 1.0 Sunstorm
energon megatron maybe? you have all these figures or just come across a bag o'goodies?
the blue one looks to me like it's possibly NOT a transformer missile, but it might be too, maybe beast wars? looks to be a beast wars, or a g2 era missile. IF it is a transformer.
It reminds me of Laser Primes(the one that was repainted as RID scourge) blue missiles (the small ones for the ?6? missile launcher)