Hey guys and girls, wanted to know if its worth springing the extra cash to get the takara. I believe this will be the best Grim to scale with my takara delux dinos. Any feedback is appreciated. Please no "neither" responses. Thanks
I'm going Takara. The extra paint apps, black face, red dino-eyes, and black T-Rex arms won me over. I almost went with the TRU 2-pack version, which has a nice amount of black on there as well and and looks more striking than the standard retail version, but ultimately decided that the way the bronze coloring is laid out on the Takara version, while not screen-accurate, just looked more unified and visually pleasing.
Can you explain where the bronze color lay out on the takara version is so I can reference? Thanks for the detailed response.
it's a mix up for me. for takara dont like the black dino arms, they look like he's got lady gloves on. and it stands out in alt mode. i do prefer the dino neck area, but the upper dino head in copper is meh. not a fan of the dark face either. but red eyes are much better i went hasbro and just painted it a bit
I have been known to buy Takara if the paint scheme difference was big enough to warrant it (like Takara over Hasbro when it came to Classics 1.0 Megatron or AM Ironhide vs. PRID Kup). But realistically for just a few little different or added aps, I usually stick with the cheaper Hasbro alternative like I did when I picked up Voyager AoE Grimlock.
Sure thing... in the Hasbro version the dino muzzle (and thus the shoulderpads in robot mode) plus all the jointed structure behind the head that holds those shoulderpads on is silver. In the Takara version all of that is bronze. I just liked having the shoulderpads the same color as the chest, arm, and skirt sections... makes it feel more like a unified "suit of armor" to me. Regarding the black arms, the "lady gloves" comment is funny, I can see that. But I liked the extra contrast that those and the black robot -face provide. They are minor, mostly superficial details. And neither is markedly superior. There was just barely enough that I preferred about the Takara version for me to push me over into that camp, but since neither is really more "accurate" than the other I can certainly understand people going for the more budget-friendly option. Or grabbing a can of paint, if you don't mind detailing your figures. I'm all for a black version of Grimlock, and the Leader certainly has size going for it. But the elongated dino-mode is a dealbreaker for me. That and the fact that he won't scale as well with the rest of the Dinobots. To have in robot mode alongside the other Autobots and whatnot, that's a great option. To have in dino mode or displayed next to his dinobot breathren, I think the Voyager works better.
it's not really elongated, its just mistransformed. the instructions leave a part out where you can put the dino legs more forward for some odd reason.
hate the red eyes, they blend in too much and look weird. also prefer the silver on hasbro as it's more G1 without being overkill.
yea i didnt see how takara did it... it make it blend too much and doesnt stand out. also why do both have green eyes in robot mode? takara's robot head is black, but the silver on the side vents make it look like he's got mutton chops
Really? I had missed that bit of news... you might have just sold me on the leader version! I'll have to go check some reviews.