I sprayed Hotrods face silver, but left Rodimus face in dull grey. Sprayed Rodimus' legs black and outlined the logo on Roddys chest. It just improves the Hasbro release a little. Not got a lot of pics, but I took the gold parts off Yoth Prime, lightly sanded where I could and sprayed them silver, Yoth Primes gun was painted black and I also did the bits on primes forearms in gold
What paint did you use on Rodimus' legs? I've wanted to do it for years, but always feared it'd look awful after a transformation or two. (my copy spends more time in car mode than robot mode)
Plastikote spray on top of a fine plastic primer........I'm not gonna be transforming him till I've sealed it, i'll let you know if it scuffs...
That's awesome! Great job. How difficult was it to taking off Prime's gold parts? How much sanding was needed and what paints did you use on them and the gun?
I bought the YOTH MP Prime for the new Xovergen Trailerforce Godbomber add on but found that i love the colors maybe more than the TRU MP Prime. Would love to know how you took off the gold parts as well so i can make them silver. Great work.
Theres a few videos on youtube about removing pins from transformers, and probably a few tutorials in this forum too, maybe a few MP10 stripdown tutorials. ive been taking bots apart since I was a kid, but since this is an expensive figure, you should probably practice removing pins from cheaper figures first if your new to this. I found this video with a quick google hop, its in the tutorials section, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQP64JBiNPA Best step by step customising guide exists right here http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-how-tos/201900-table-contents.html
Really wasn't gonna touch Horsimous.......but I couldn't resist. Need another one now, so I can go to town even further on this badboy.