After seeing the sheer coolness of Maketoys Trash Talk and the utter letdown of Hasbro Tailgate, I am curious to know if any 3P love will be given here. Backstop? Fenderforce? RearRider? BumperBot?
Nothing official yet - but I'd keep a close eye on Maketoys - I'm sure they are most likely to make one after how quickly they got Swerve out. I actually like the look of Hasbro's Tailgate though.
Discussed? Often. Announced? No. The Trashtalk thread is FULL of people pinning for a Tailgate/Windcharger double pack.
I hope MT makes a Tailgate too. Redeco'ing him into Windcharger isn't a bad idea (makes me wonder why HasTak didn't just make Tailgate a repaint of the Windcharger/Wipeout mold as it'd be easy), though I'd personally prefer a new Windcharger in the Deluxe size point.
The hell is wrong with Hasbro's Tailgate? I'm confused about that one. (I don't own it, is there like a design flaw? It looks just fine) Trashtalk has me worried, because Maketoys tried to capture the character of IDW's Swerve and failed pretty freaking hard. It was square, lifeless, and totally didn't capture the head design at all. I'm worried if they try to do the same with tailgate they'll miss the point just as much. I'd actually prefer and IDW Tailgate be based off the G1 toy. 3rd parties just aren't up to the challenge of accurately conveying that level of character. The subtle lines and unusual shapes that deviate from geometric blocks and straight edges will throw 3rd parties off.
See, I feel the opposite. I love trash-talk and cogwheelz but 1) Trash-talk is the real reason to get the set, and 2) once I got my hands on the $10 Hasbro version, _there were things I like about it better_. I think the face and head are better and the overall body proportions really capture the feel of Nick Roche's artwork better; the chest is thicker and the legs aren't so big. Trash-Talk's far from a failure at capturing the comic look and feel--it IS more accurate in both modes, after all--but those improvements certainly don't justify the extra 250% markup, to the extent where I've made the 3rd party duo available for sale. I feel perfectly fine about Tailgate. It would have been better if it had a Cybertronian altmode like the comic, but this is CLEARLY everybody's favorite waste disposal expert. Mine is posed right next to trash-talk and he looks great. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be willing to spend $30-$35 for an incrementally better figure; that extra $20-$25 is a good chunk of a figure that doesn't have an official analogue, like Apex/Geminus (which were basically the same price for much bigger figures), or for toys that are obvious, clear, and systematic improvements to the alternative (like Microblaze Creations Not-Slaught, which, when you factor in the upgrades for the other Combaticons that it includes, really IS worth the price difference between the deluxe toy)
I can only speak for mine, but it doesn't peg together at the waist in bot mode (an important peg as it holds the top and bottom halves together), the car panels all kind of bump into each other in bot mode and hinder the articulation, and those same panels don't hold together well in alt mode. I don't think he's terrible, but he just doesn't seem as good to me as Cosmos and Swerve. And I LOVE tailgate in MTMTE, so it's not a character thing.
I just think he looks really cheap. Too much kibble, not enough detail, terrible targetmaster weapon, not enough paint.
Nothing to be confused about. Different people have different tastes. In this instance some people will like Hasbro Tailgate but a lot don't. For me legs are way too small and arms are too big. Overall looks horrible. Trashtalk and Cogwheel got it right.
I'm kinda with you. I originally wanted a single deluxe size figure next, but Tailgate and Windcharger seem like a good second effort.