Today we're in a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. We're in the dimension of imagination. Your next stop, March!
Screw you, August! You think you’re so special with your lack of holidays and end-of-summer deals, but you know deep down that people have to go back to school/work and use up the last of their summer vacation time. You’re just sitting there at the end of the room laughing at everyone who has to work retail because you know about the incoming flood of parents and kids buying back-to-school stuff at the end of the month. Don’t think I can’t see you there. *glares at August judgmentally*
February is a shit month with shit weather, and the fact that every four years we're subjected to an extra 24 hours of it because of a peculiarity of the Earth's axis or rotation speed or whatthefuckever is an affront to me. Fortunately it's after midnight here, we're safely in March, and with it the promise of spring, and February is relegated to the trash bin of history for another year. Go to hell, February.
On this day, the frogs and toads that live in my swamp leap out of the murky, pond scum-covered water...and right into my pot, so I can make my mean frog legs stew! That's why we Ogrelords say, "Have a Shrektastic Leap Day," every four years!
On that front, I am tired of critiques like "only appealing to young teenagers" and "juvenile" always being a bad thing. Not everything should be aimed for that age group, maybe not even most things, but there probably should at least be a fraction that can acknowledged as being like that without being made to feel like it has no place existing in publication.
Though it's late now, Happy Leap Day! And to everyone born on that day, have a great birthday! And people should be more considerate, how would you feel if you could celebrate your birthday only once every four years?