so, ive been attempting, but its pretty much failing due to genetics...any ideas? the shaving for a long time is a myth, so that wont work...what about rogain? anyone tried that? its probabbly not recommended...but hey, if it, any ideas?
Honestly, I would consider it a blessing. I've got a pretty rough beard that I have to shave everyday, and I still look like I have a 5 o'clock shadow. Not to mention the neck rashes. Putting rogaine on your face is not recommended, but some who have used it for balding (primarily the crown area) have noticed increased body hair. Many times where you wouldn't want it. It's your genetics, sorry to say. But I am sure a lot of guys would switch places in that regard if they could.
Pshhhhhh! When I was a young lad all I wanted was to be able to grow a lumberjack beard and then 7th grade hit and I started shaving and then 10 grade I could finally have one. I would never wish away my beardness haha. I hate shaving though so my way out of it is growing a beard.
and quite an impressive one at that. One of these days I am going to grow a neck beard. It's a trend that never quite caught on.
well, i know that people with would want to be without, and vice versa, its just the way of life...i didnt know about rogaine making it a pretty hairless guy...but maybe it wouldnt be too bad...ill have to investiage further
Sometimes I like it when a guy has a baby face but other then that I can't help you I don't shave my face
see, my girlfriend doesnt like the babyface look as much...hence my attempting to grow, and maintain facial fuzz...though, i started my feeble attempt long before i met her, thats just extra incentive,,...
I used to get bad rashes on my neck every so often. I switched out to one of those batter powered vibrating heads. I haven't had a single rash since I switched out to the Quatro Power.
Well most women prefer the babyface. Your girlfriend is in the minority. There was some poll I remember reading a while back. These were the most prefered by women. 1. clean shaven (by far) 2. mustache with goatie (forget the actual name) 3. beard 4. soul patch 5. goatie with no mustache. (who knew?)
no, she is just encouraging me to make it better, which i already certainly no fool, if she tried to change me, i dont have that...besides, we've been together for quite some time now, and things are great, regardless of my fuzz
While we are in the general area, other than shaving is their anyway to get rid of back hair for a long time? I sometimes feel like a walking carpet and want the stuff gone. I shave my shoulders everyonce in a while, but it doesn't last very long.. Any suggestions?
nah, itl;l be fine, just like peeling off a bandaid (thats part of your skin) but youll be ok, i swear
If you pull the hair out by the roots enough times it's supposed to eventually stop growing, at least that's the way it works with plucking out eyebrows. I'm not sure if it would work like that with back hair. Either that or the laser hair removal. I believe it's supposed to last for a few years.