So I was commissioned by a friend to make a sweep to go with his scourge. He wanted him to have a dingy look to him. I washed him in a flat black after I had extended the stipes out the wings to the tips, then repainted over the gloss blue with the metallic blue and then also repainted the red with a metallic paint too. I also added an 02 to his chest and the front of the bomber in alt-mode to signify him as a sweep. I hope you like him, comments welcome as always and thanks for looking.
@jbarb78, thyvipera, Bscorpinok75, cheetor71, Magnus1701, Spyne98, thanks guys! Means alot. @plowking honestly I came across it at retail ....if I could find a couple of others I might, its up to the commissioner if they want the extras
Looks great brother, I've always wondered at what Cybertronian nail salonScourge and his Sweeps get their nails done. This Sweep is awesome because it's so simple yet effective. Thumbs up my man, thumbs up!
LMAO! I don't know but you soundtrack find any uni-crons on his feet thanks man I hope he suits your troop building needs
For sure man thanks again, you know how I love to troop build anythin I can get my hands on, he looks incredible in person